Randy Sloan


I am inspired by the splendor and diversity of life on this planet and this place in the universe.
Simply put, life is a gift, precious and exquisite. Life’s bliss is purpose and fulfillment. Nature is a model of living fully. I love capturing the beauty in people, animals, plants, landscapes, weather and the night sky. It is a joy to be outside with my camera. It is a transformative experience. My senses are heightened to the sights, sounds and other sensations from the habitats around me, even as my presence is also felt by their inhabitants.

I believe life is a wondrous thing, a miracle even, filled with miraculous events. My highest goal with the camera is to catch glimpses of these events before they go unnoticed.

I studied biology and earth sciences and have a degree in environmental management and protection. I volunteered as a fish culture advisor for the Peace Corps in Africa. I studied medicine and served as a physician in the US Air Force and as a small town family doctor until my retirement in 2013. I loved practicing medicine but my memory started to fade so I gave it up before it could affect my patient care. I began taking lots of pictures to remember special moments better, and before long it became much more than a memory aid.

The reality of photography, at least for me anyway, is that I have to take lots and lots of pictures in order to get one I really like. But that’s okay because I love being out there in nature’s classroom. Imagine the thrill of learning something special about nature from nature itself and being able to share an image of it with others.

I believe that is my purpose now, and looking back, my prior experiences were a wonderful way to prepare me. My hope is that there will be an image in my collection that inspires a connection with you. If so, we can talk about lots of ways that image can be best presented for your needs. Special thanks to ArtExposure for the opportunity to show my work in their beautiful gallery in Hampstead, North Carolina.