Audrey Kriss Berkowitz was born in Brooklyn, NY. After moving to Montgomery County, MD in 1987, she raised a family and had a successful banking career. After the tragic death of her son in 2016, Audrey turned to photography to cope with her grief. When she relocated to the Wilmington, NC beach area and refocused her energy on what was important to her, she realized the beauty of nature brought her peace and serenity.
As a photographer, Audrey feels she is a witness to the Earth’s beauty and uses her lens to capture the story in front of her. She has participated in juried art shows in North Carolina and throughout the United States. These shows include the Leland Art League Juried Exhibitions, Wilmington Art Association Shows, the Image ’19 show sponsored by Art in Bloom and Art Works, Silver Arts (as a ribbon winner), Citrine Gallery, Burgwin-Wright House, Bellamy Mansion and Art in Bloom Gallery. In addition, Audrey has had several art shows at Wilmington and Leland establishments. She has also been included in the Naples Art Association International Juried Show, the 311 Gallery in Raleigh and restaurant art exhibitions in Maryland and North Carolina.