All classes at ArtExposure are conducted by our professional art associates, who will guide you through the learning process with utmost care. We offer classes for adults, teens and children. Please check back often for more class opportunites.
Adult classes are for students 15 years or older.
Open Studio
with Sabine Baeckmann
Now Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10AM til Noon
All levels welcome! All 2-D media are welcome!
4 sessions per class registration and repeat each month (must be used within a month). Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday mornings from 10AM to Noon. Individual walk-in sessions also available. A great opportunity to work under professional guidance and learn new skills!
All levels welcome! All 2-D media are welcome, including: Watercolors, Oils, Acrylics, Soft or Oil Pastels, Pencil Illustration, Color Pencils, Pen & Ink.) Please bring your own supplies and any works in progress or work you’ve previously done.
Our shop does carry a wide variety of brushes, pencils, paints and other art supplies such as:
A starter Watercolor Supply kit available for $50 (12 – Watercolor Paint Set, brushes, 9″ x 12″ CP watercolor pad*
*Professional Grade Watercolor Paper in 30″x22″ sheets and additional pro brushes are available in our shop.
– Illustration/Drawing Supply kit available for $30 (18-pc drawing set, 12-pc Prismacolor color pencil set, sketch book.)
– Acrylic Painting Supply kit available for $65 (11 – 4oz. tubes of acrylic paint, 2 canvases and a good set of brushes.)
– Oil Painting Supply kit available for $65 (12 color oil paint set-12ml tubes, 4 brushes, 2 palette knives, 2 12″x12″ canvases, turpenoid, liquin.)
Fee: $140.00 for four weeks/one day walk in for $45.00.